Monday, 20 January 2014

Crazy weather!

What´s wrong with the weather lately?
I think that everyone in Vienna was hoping for white Christmas, which actually turn out to be brown Christmas most of the time.
After all, it´s not uncommon that it snows in Vienna over New Year or at least in January.
But there is no snow in sight!
The weather reporters keep telling us that winter won´t come this year and I´m starting to believe it because everyone runs around like if it was autumn.
No surprise. It has 10°C outside…
Oh well, at least we don´t have to deal with the muddy snow this time.
It´s a pain in the neck!
I have to admit that these temperatures bother me, though.
Here some facts:
This winter was the warmest winter in history since 1997/98. The warmth record was raised almost by one degree. It´s special because when the record increases, it usually increases by only one or two tenth of a degree. The reason is global warming.
If this will go on like this, what will winter in Vienna look like in fifty years, I wonder.

What do you think of it?
Are you rather glad that winter has become that soft or does it bother you?

Feel free to comment!

Crazy weather!
source: ninja-bunny ;)